Distractions from everyday life.

Posts Tagged ‘Mr. Charlie Poplin

introducing Mr. Charlie Poplin

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another sketch from 2010: (colourified in 10 mins :x)

Mr. Poplin walked into my head as I was helping Denise with one of her art school projects… It was a project to create a brand and one of her ideas was to create a name out of fabric names like poplin, herringbone and twill. Herringbone => herring, poplin => chaplin, and hence I found Mr. Charlie Poplin. I also found the idea of a dandy gentlefish (marine equivalent of a gentleman) quite amusing. He he :-p

The scanner is not really working now so I will keep digging for old things that I still like, to post. :’-D In the meantime I will keep up the drawing. I hope. Yesterday I drew a snail. …Yeap. Totally on a roll!

Written by dratn

October 1, 2011 at 9:03 am